“Next Episode!”
“Okay, Isa pa.” (Okay, One more.),
“Last ‘ko na talaga ‘to promise!” (Promise, This is going to be my last!”)
Do you recognize any of these utterances? Do you recall using these phrases as you became engrossed in the show you were watching? I'm sure most of you can relate, especially since we're still coping with the pandemic and being told to stay at home. In our present day, where one swipe gives you access to everything, Netflix has become the go-to streaming service for millions of people around the world. But, can binge-watching Netflix have a negative impact on your faith as well as your health? Let's have a quick discussion about it!
Netflix is a streaming service that offers award-winning TV series, movies, animation, documentaries, and other content available on thousands of internet-connected devices. Millions of individuals can watch as much as they want, whenever they want, with no commercial interruptions. In addition, this app is a subscription-based service for which you pay a reasonable monthly fee. So, is Netflix a negative thing?
Don't get me wrong, I, too, am a Netflix user. If you use Netflix as a benefit, it's a great tool in my opinion. Take, for example, how it may be utilized for family bonding, educational objectives such as documentaries, and so on. However, what makes an app harmful is how you use it and what you watch in it. Netflix may no longer be beneficial if it consumes the majority of your time rather than being spent with God. To put it another way, it has become a source of distraction. Question: How many hours a day do you spend just watching?
So, if Netflix is the reason you don't have time to pray or get enough sleep, you should rethink your priorities, my dear brothers and sisters. Furthermore, keep in mind that we become what we observe. What kind of TV shows or movies do you prefer? Are they beneficial? Are they a good thing for your faith? Is it a way of glorifying God? As a result, be mindful of where we spend most of our time.
Instead of binging in the next Kdrama, why not spend it with your C2S and share your learnings with them? Or why not join our latest discipleship trainings in the church like CLPD so you can grow deeper in your faith.
Lastly, In terms of health, it's true that too much screen time can lead to obesity, depression, sleep disorders, and other problems, as evidenced by several studies, but it's also crucial to remember that Netflix isn't the only cause.
Matthew 6:22-23 NIV
‘The eye is the lamp of the body. So. If your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!’
To conclude, everything in excess is unhealthy — sounds cliche, doesn't it? Nonetheless, my dear friends, this is the truth. Although you have the freedom to do whatever you want, keep in mind that not everything we do is for the best. And as Christians, one of our attitudes is to practice self-control. I pray that whatever you do, whether you're eating, drinking, viewing, or relaxing, is for the glory of God.