When we were kids, we were introduced to numerous Bible characters, and one of the popular stories being told was the life of Joseph. Joseph is the 17-year-old teenage son of Jacob and Rachel. His father, Jacob (which soon changed into the name Israel), showed more love and favor over him than his 12 brothers. This created hatred and jealousy in the hearts of his brothers where it reached the point they plotted to kill him and sell him for worth 20 silver shekels to the Ishmaelites heading to Egypt.
The happenings did not end there as the Ishmaelites then again sold Joseph to Potiphar, one of the Pharaoh’s officials (Captain guard), and there became a slave. However, the Lord was still with Joseph. That’s why he prospered in everything he did, and even the household of the Egyptians was so blessed. With this, Joseph found favor in Potiphar and put him in charge of his house.
Now, Joseph being young, well-built, and attractive at his age, created interest in Potiphar’s wife. And to make a long story short, the ego of Potiphar’s wife has been hurt despite her seducing Joseph multiple times yet still failed because Joseph is a man of honesty and loyalty to his Egyptian master. The false accusations brought by Potiphar’s wife, saying Joseph came and tried to sleep with her were the same story she used to explain to her husband, which then led to Joseph’s imprisonment. When Joseph was in the cell, the Lord was still with Him, and he again found favor in the eyes of the prison warden.
The turn of events in Joseph’s life changed when the Pharaoh (King of Egypt) had a dream that no one else could interpret except Joseph. In the dream, God revealed that there would be an upcoming abundance that would last for seven years but would also followed by seven years of severe famine. Once Joseph was done explaining the dream, the Pharaoh immediately appointed Joseph as the governor. This means, that Joseph had the authority over the whole land of Egypt, and all the Egyptians would submit to his orders. Add more, Joseph was 30 yrs old when he entered the service of Pharaoh, and the famine that happened thousands of years ago was so severe that all the world came to Egypt only to buy grain from Joseph. And the rest is history.
(To have a better understanding, you may read Genesis chapters 37-50)
Romans 8:28 NIV
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Now, as we reflect, we see that Joseph’s life story changed because of him trusting God. The transition of his life from slave to a prisoner and from prisoner to a governor was great evidence that God can do more than what we can perceive as humans. We may think God is unfair because he allowed Joseph to go through such situations. Yet little did we know that God has a better plan for Joseph and that God does not forget what he had promised to Joseph through his dream back when he was young. And since Joseph loves God — which he had shown through his obedience Joseph's sufferings were used by God to create something more beautiful and meaningful in his life which saved the majority of all nations, specifically the Israelites.
Where the presence of the Lord is, there is freedom, hope, favor, and healing.
The story of Joseph is a great reminder for every one that all our toil is not in vain in the sight of the Lord. If you are in the season of your life where it seems like everything you do is meaningless and unfruitful, whether in your job or studies, may you choose to continue standing strong, and faithfully abide to God’s word.
Romans 8:18 NIV
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
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BibleArtLibrary. (n.d.). [Photograph]. iStock. https://www.istockphoto.com/portfolio/BibleArtLibrary?mediatype=photography