David’s life and challenges are one of the famous stories in the bible. David has 66 chapters about his life, devotion to God and also his mistakes. It is known that David is the one who conquered Goliath, united the people of Judah and conquered the Philistines and other enemies.
He was a shepherd, talented musician, a warrior, and a King. Throughout his life, it can be seen how God was with him wherein he was given the title “A man after God's own heart”.
But I want to focus on the First Battle of David. How he conquered it and how his life changed from there. It is known that our first battle is the hardest battle we will encounter. Every first step is hard to take.
How To deal with Giants (1 Samuel 17)
The Philistines are physically strong, ready to fight, to kill, to conquer Israel. On the other hand, Israel is also ready to fight. They were aware that the Land of the Valley would experience war. And the enemy desires Israel's territory. Instead of sending many warriors to their deaths, they have chosen to deploy Goliath, who tormented the Israelites day by day for 40 days, as their greatest soldier to deal with them.
(Like the Philistines, the Devil wants our territory, our faith, our future, our hope, our life. Just like temptation, it will never come once but many times in our lives.)
The seventh child of Jessi, David is considered weak compared to his other siblings. David's role as a shepherd went beyond only tending to his father's flock of sheep. (This job is given to someone who is the weakest in the family.) His father Jesse told David to bring food to his brothers who are already with King Saul to fight the Philistines. And David Obeyed.
(David obeyed. This is the important part, David submitted to his father Jessi, he respected his father's authority over him. As you see, before becoming a leader you should be a good follower)
As David delivered the food to his brothers, he heard Goliath, And he saw that some Israelites ran and hid from him.
In 1 Samuel 17:25
“And The men of Israel said “Have you seen this man who has come up? Surely he has come to defy Israel. And the king will enrich the man who will kill him with great riches, and will give him his daughter and his Father house free in Israel.”
(As we know, if someone defeats the giant, rewards will follow. If you defeat your Giants such as addiction, fear, envy, and every other thing that torments you, your life will definitely change.)
And in verse 1 Samuel 17:26
“Then David spoke to men who were standing by him, saying “What will be done for the man who kills these Philistines and takes away the reproach from Israel. For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that taunts the armies of the living God?”
(This verse touched my heart. David has confidence, because he knows and sees God. He sees God as powerful, able, and living.)
As David started to respond to Goliath, he was also insulted back by the people who were close to him (his brother Eliath). They reminded him and discouraged him by what he was in the past as they knew David's current situation but they never knew David's future.
But David was able to take a step, to take courage, to fight because he knew who he was. He is the child of God.
David responded those insults in 1 Samuel 17:29 “What have I done now? Was it not a question?”
(David knew he could kill Goliath, but he couldn't battle his brothers. David chooses his battles).
As a human it is given that we may be defensive at times to the things that provoke us. That we should respond to every insult, every criticism, every opinion that is about us. But as a Christian, we should always choose our battles. Always be careful of the words that will flow from our mouths.
David didn’t question himself because he knew God was with him. Sometimes, it is not the words of other people that makes us weak but our words to ourselves. That the real Giants that we must conquer are our own thoughts.
I’ve known this story since I was a child, and was born in a Christian family. David is one of the heroes I looked up to, admired and loved. But as I read his story again, all of my views about him changed. Without God, he is weak, sinful, unworthy and all of us are. As we know David is a former shepherd, this job didn’t hold any significance at that time. But this job trained him how to fight and protect things that he held. David being a shepherd also convinced King Saul that he can defeat Goliath. Being a shepherd molded him for the position that God has planned for him.
As of today, some of us have jobs that look small and insignificant but always remember that you are in the right place and God puts you there. Always trust the process, because God has plans for you.
There are times that you find yourself in the same place over and over again, but don’t be afraid and ask God what is his will for you, because there might be times that you missed opportunities that God has given you. What if David didn’t obey Jesse to deliver food for his brothers or to tend his father’s flock of sheep? Can he still save Israel from Goliath? Can God see him as a person that he can use for his purpose?
I know that you know the answer to these questions. As a Christian we should be aware of the state of our hearts and our minds. It stated in Proverbs 4: 23 “Above all, be careful what you think because thought control your life”.
If David didn’t know, seek, and loved God. We might not know him as the David right now. Because God isn’t forgetful nor God that will ignore you, God is near to those people that seeks him. and check yourself, is God really in your heart?
Does this challenge that was presented to David change his life? Yes, It did, he is known until now as a famous warrior, and a faithful servant. His role in the society changed, he gives honor to God and to his family.
As I continue, As King Saul talking to David, he made David wear his armor but it did not fit, but David reminded him that he defeated the beast that wanted to harm his sheep, and Saul give him the blessing.
1 Samuel 17: 37 “ Saul said to David,” Go and may the Lord be with you”
This statement is important to me, as we go on with the decision we will make, blessings from the people who have the authority over you is a confirmation from God.
Do you want to take a new job? Where to settle? Even in the smallest decision you will make, ask God and your family. Sometimes the answer lies in them.
During the fight between Goliath and David, Goliath threatened and wanted to silence David and started to curse him by the name of his gods but David never chose to be silent.
1 Samuel 17: 45
Davis said “You come to me with a sword, a spear and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you taunted”.
I remembered when I was in high school and shared the word of God. As I was also part of the evangelism (house to house). Our message that we bring to them is that they are loved by God. One of the houses we entered challenged me as a Christian, as he lived in a squatter area he said “if God truly loved us, I won't be here in this place. This place is dirty, and imaginably evil” and he begins to provoke us that the Lord we serve isn't real. I know that this is an unnecessary battle, he wanted a debate to make us doubt our faith. All I ever did was give him a brochure and told him “You have eyes, hands, feet that serve its purpose, you may not have an extravagant nor decent house but life itself is a gift from God and he wants you to know him. Because our God is certainly ALIVE and he wants to help you." As I said this I am silently praying for him. and the next Sunday he attended our Sunday service.
As a Christian, we should never fight silently in our battles, we should never let the enemies beat us. We should proclaim that our God already defeated them, That our God will never let us down, that our God is a God that is true to his words. That we should not hide and be afraid because “the battle belongs to the Lord”.
As I finish, David didn’t only put stone and slung it to the giants. Stated In 1 Samuel 17: 51
“David ran and stood over the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out and cut off his heat with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead they fled”.
In this passage David didn’t just take one step, but a few steps ahead. He cut off the head of the giant. He never gave him a moment nor let him rest to gain his strength.
Therefore, don’t let the sin eat you up, don’t let fear overcome you, don’t let doubts take over you, don’t let the Giant grow inside of you. CUT IT OFF, Because God is already with you.